Italian Roasted Zucchini and Summer Squash

Have you eaten a plethora of zucchini and summer squash?  We have and this is one side dish that doesn’t get old; at least not for us.   This is so simple I can barely call it a recipe.  It almost seems silly to put it on here.  But simple doesn’t mean tasteless.  No!  It is very tasty.   Do you eat zucchini and summer squash? Also shared at Gluten Free Friday .

Lemony Date and Nut Balls

I have a thing for dates lately.  They are super sweet so they really satisfy the sweet tooth. Sometimes they even seem a bit like caramel.  Medjool dates seem to be the king of dates.  And I’ve had some (scrumptious), but oh my, they are super expensive.  So I don’t buy them.  However, I found dates at Sam’s Club that are affordable and super yummy.  They are moist and delicious; not...

Lemon Infused All Natural Energy Drink

I admit.  I drink soda. But not often; usually for a caffeine fix.  And while I do drink an herbal tea now and then in the winter, I’m not much of a “summer” tea person.   I have heard about yerba mate’ tea a few years ago and its natural uplifting properties.  And green tea has been all over the place for several years now boasting health benefits too.  But neither seem desirable to...

Chocolate “Peanut” Butter Protein Bars

Sometimes I get overly excited in a place like Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods.  Like the time I thought buying chocolate hemp protein powder to make a chocolate shake was a good idea.  When I first tried it blended with rice milk it was horrible.  The next day I tried it with coconut milk and it was not much better.  Both concoctions went down the sink drain.   In an effort to not waste the...

Italian Roasted Cauliflower

Since I began roasting cauliflower it has become a weekly vegetable.  You can find my go-to recipe here.  However, I found that when my main dish had an Italian flare to it, my regular recipe didn't quite fit the bill.  So, enter....Italian Roasted Cauliflower.   This really isn't much of a recipe at all.  I don't measure or anything like that.  You can adjust the seasonings as much or as...

So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk vs. Silk Pure Coconut

We always have a couple containers of vanilla flavored coconut milk in the house.  I usually buy So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk, but lately have purchased a few containers of Silk Pure Coconut Vanilla Coconut Milk.  I thought it would be fun to do a comparison.  The information is taken from the containers.   How they are the same:  Both state a serving size is 1 cup, have zero...

Produce Wash

It would be wonderful if we all could buy organic fruits and vegetables.  But for many it is not affordable or accessible.  Now I do not know if a produce wash is scientifically better than water for washing produce or not, but I do know that it eases my mind a little bit.      For strawberries, I usually mix a recipe of produce wash and soak the berries in it.  Then I drain them and rinse...

Introducing: Habitall – You Can Have It All With Habitall – An All Natural Sugar Replacement

I am excited to share with you today about Habitall; a new, cup for cup, natural sweetener.  Corey and Michelle, owners and inventors of Habitall, contacted me and sent me two pounds of this sugar replacement to bake and cook with.  And boy, did I have fun with it.  Before I get to my results and thoughts, let’s first talk a little about the product.  We'll start with some pictures:  ...

Allergy Free Thousand Island Dressing (And Why It Is Named That)

I like to check out cookbooks from the library occasionally.  I found Cooking Free by Carol Fenster, PhD.  To me, it appears to be one of the “first” allergy friendly cookbooks having been published 8 years ago.  I’m actually surprised that I had not heard of or seen her cookbook before now.  While flipping through the book I came across a recipe for Thousand Island Dressing.  I was...

Gluten Free Banana Cupcakes (And Allergy Friendly Too)

These gluten free banana cupcakes are quite moist and tasty; and allergy friendly too!  Not quite a muffin, but not quite a cupcake either, these delightful little cakes have just the right amount of banana flavoring.  I’m actually not crazy about bananas, but I will eat these. You could top them with frosting if you would want to make them more cupcake like.  In the following picture I...