Get Your Greens In With Kale Chips

Are you one of the thousands of people whose New Year’s Eve resolutions is to eat healthier?  Want to eat more greens, but can’t stomach a salad at every meal?  Try kale chips.  Kale chips have been around the foodie blogosphere for a few years now.  I’m late to the game.  But I finally came up with a way to prepare them and they are really good.  (Although photographing them is...

Top 10 Most Viewed Posts of 2013

It's been crazy around here and I haven't had a chance until now to really check into my 2013 stats.  But the New Year is still young, so I thought I could still do a Top 10 post.  In order of least viewed to most viewed here are the most popular posts of 2013: #10 Minty Chocolate Dessert Bars.   No surprise here!  Everyone I know loves chocolate! #9  Awesome Allergy Free Fudge.  Again, who...

I Scream You Scream We All Scream for Snow Cream!

So what does one do on a cold, very cold, 5 degree evening after it snowed 11 or more inches?  Why make snow cream that’s what!  The coming pictures are arguably the worst pics I put up, but hey I’m working with snow, after dark (bad lighting), and my old point and shoot.  No time to make a big set up with my nice camera! Yep, every church was cancelled today!  Roads are terrible...

Fun Finds Friday – White Chocolate Chip Fudge

Welcome to the last Fun Find Friday of 2013! I found a last minute Christmas treat for you to make.  It’s easy, tasty, gluten free and allergy free.  But NO ONE would know!  Seriously, I brought some of this White Chocolate Chip Fudge (I renamed it) to a Christmas gathering and NO ONE KNEW what was in it and no one could guess either!   And it was a hit!  I came home with an empty plate....

Fabulous Roasted Pearl Onions

If you have not tried pearl onions you are missing out.  These little delectable onions are fabulous!  They are SWEET!  Seriously, even the biggest onion hater would like these.   Roasted pearl onions would make a great side dish for Christmas dinner or even an appetizer.  Well, any meal any time of the year for that matter!  Let’s not limit this to holidays!  (I even ate some for a...

Life With Food Allergies – Part 2

Realizing that your food allergies is a blessing was discussed in part one.  However, even though we are feeling better, we still have to deal with something; something unpleasant, something that can actually be very trying for a person with food allergies and sensitivities.  And that is the uninformed people.  The annoying ones who think they have all the answers, think you are fanatical, or...

Oven Roasted Chicken Thighs

We love this simple entrée.  Chicken thighs spiced just so and roasted to perfection; it is pure comfort food.    I find that using fresh, never frozen chicken thighs works best simply because they roast so much faster.  Even after defrosting 24 hours, it always seems to take longer to reach internal temp of 180 F. when I use previously frozen thighs. These chicken thighs are never dry,...

How To Make Cashew Butter – A How To Photo Tutorial

Have you ever made your own nut butter?  I have made this chocolate spread and this one, but not just straight nut butter.  Until now.  And have I been missing out!  And so are you if you haven’t tried it. Making cashew butter was so easy and it so delicious!  And what’s better?  It only has ONE, that’s right, ONE ingredient.  That’s healthy folks.  No added oils, sugars,...

Fun Finds Friday – Grain Free Biscuits

I have to limit my grains and be sugar free for a while (more on that to come).  So that means I have been having acorn squash, sweet potatoes and pea protein shakes for breakfast.  I need some sort of bread, at least occasionally.  So I found this recipe for grain free biscuits.  These are perfect for breakfast if you make them the night before.  Topped with thawed frozen peaches this is...

Honey Mustard Boneless Pork Chops

It may be nearing October’s end, but I’m still grilling!  I don’t like grilling in the dark though, so as soon as the sun sets around 4:30 pm, I’ll have to quite grilling for a few months.  Bummer!  But until then, I’m still firing it up.  I have a gas grill.  It’s so easy to turn on, heats up quickly, and you do not have to worry about the flames going out.   So today’s...