Life With Food Allergies – Part 2

Realizing that your food allergies is a blessing was discussed in part one.  However, even though we are feeling better, we still have to deal with something; something unpleasant, something that can actually be very trying for a person with food allergies and sensitivities.  And that is the uninformed people.  The annoying ones who think they have all the answers, think you are fanatical, or...

Fun Finds Friday – Hot Chocolate Surprise – Dairy Free and Sugar Free

Are you a Black Friday shopper?  I am not.  Large, crazy crowds and I are not friends.  I do love a good hot chocolate though!  Being dairy free means making your own hot chocolate, not ripping open a package and adding hot water.  I’ve learned to be okay with that.  I found an interesting twist on hot chocolate for today’s Fun Finds Friday.   It has a secret ingredient.  I did not...

Rice Milk Powder

Have you ever seen recipes that call for soy milk powder?  I have seen a lot of those recipes.  While we do not have allergies to soy, we like to avoid it most of the time (it mimics estrogen way too much).  For whatever reason, I have never seen it stated anywhere that one could use rice milk powder.  I did not even know there was such a thing until I was dairy free for over a year.  So...

Fun Finds Friday – GlutenFree And Vegan Bread

I have not made gluten free bread until a few months ago.  And I still do not very often.  But I did find this one loaf that is really good.  Welcome to Fun Finds Friday! Do you see the steam coming off the 'fresh from the oven' bread? Can't you just smell it? Like I said earlier, this is a good loaf of bread, but it is also a lot of work to put together. The recipe has a lot of ingredients...

How To Make Cashew Butter – A How To Photo Tutorial

Have you ever made your own nut butter?  I have made this chocolate spread and this one, but not just straight nut butter.  Until now.  And have I been missing out!  And so are you if you haven’t tried it. Making cashew butter was so easy and it so delicious!  And what’s better?  It only has ONE, that’s right, ONE ingredient.  That’s healthy folks.  No added oils, sugars,...

Fun Finds Friday – Grain Free Biscuits

I have to limit my grains and be sugar free for a while (more on that to come).  So that means I have been having acorn squash, sweet potatoes and pea protein shakes for breakfast.  I need some sort of bread, at least occasionally.  So I found this recipe for grain free biscuits.  These are perfect for breakfast if you make them the night before.  Topped with thawed frozen peaches this is...

Italian Roasted Zucchini and Summer Squash

Have you eaten a plethora of zucchini and summer squash?  We have and this is one side dish that doesn’t get old; at least not for us.   This is so simple I can barely call it a recipe.  It almost seems silly to put it on here.  But simple doesn’t mean tasteless.  No!  It is very tasty.   Do you eat zucchini and summer squash? Also shared at Gluten Free Friday .

Sensational Sweet Potato Cupcakes With Maple Infused “Buttercream” Frosting

Today’s recipe is one of my all-time favorites!  And one of my best! It is something I created for a recipe contest.  I didn’t win, which was a real bummer, but I’m thinking the lack of eggs, soy, wheat and milk in the recipe made the judges go, “huh?”  without even trying it.  What a shame because this is the BEST CUPCAKE EVER!   Then Angel from The Wellness Angel asked me to be a...

Grilled Pineapple – A How To Photo Tutorial

Have you ever eaten at a Brazilian barbeque restaurant?  We went to one a few weeks back for our wedding anniversary.  Oh. My. Goodness.  Okay, if you are a vegan or vegetarian this is NOT the place for you.  But meat lovers...this is the place to go!  (By the way, I don’t consider myself a meat lover.  I eat meat, but it’s not my first food love).  However, we LOVED this place from...

Better Than Milk Powdered Rice Milk – Product Review

Did you know there is such a thing as powdered rice milk?  Over the years I have seen recipes here and there calling for powdered soy milk.  Since we like to avoid soy, I looked to see if I could find powdered rice milk.  And there is; it is pictured below.   It is difficult to find.  I’ve only found it in one, out of the way store and it was expensive.  However, it is available online at...