Baked Lemon Chicken

Are you gluten free and think you can’t have a crunchy oven cooked chicken breast because you can’t use bread crumbs?  Allergic to eggs and think that same chicken breast is off limits because eggs are what are usually used to make crumbs stick to chicken? Well, think again.  You can have your crunchy oven cooked chicken breast without gluten and without egg! A simple substitution of corn...

Simple and Delicious Homemade Granola-Gluten Free and Allergy Free

I never ate granola pre-food allergy days.  In fact, I do not think I even gave it a thought.  But then, when food allergies hit and I had purchased about 5 new cookbooks, I started noticing that granola was in a lot of the books. One that caught my eye was in The Whole Foods Allergy Cookbook  by Cybele Pascal.  It seemed really easy.  And I was intrigued by Cybele’s use of unrefined...

Roasted Dill Carrots

Vegetables used to be boring at my house.  They were usually of the frozen variety…cooked in the microwave.  Can we say “blah?”  Yep.  But about a year ago, I decided to put more effort into our vegetables.  It was worth it.  Vegetables can actually be very good if cooked right, and if you do something other than microwave them.  I now buy almost all our vegetables fresh with the...

Chili-Italian Style And Allergy Friendly

With the wind blowing, leaves turning color (although drably), the endless drop of acorns, and the cool temps, nothing beats chili for supper on a night like today.  There are endless versions of chili…ones with ground beef, with beans or without, with pasta or not, white chilis (think chicken), vegetarian and probably many more.  Today I bring you a chili with a different twist yet. Adapted...

Creamy Vegi Vegan Dip

It has been a little more than two years since I went off milk and egg products.  Yet, I just now found (or I shall say adapted) a creamy vegi dip.  I have never been one to use a lot of dips, but when you cannot have them all of a sudden you seem to want one.   This is quite easy and tasty; I really do not know what took me so long to get one in my recipe collection. For any of you parents...

Tuna Patties Made Gluten Free, Egg Free and Milk Free (naturally soy, peanut and tree nut free)

You know how you are supposed to have fish like three times a week or something?  Well, I do not know anyone who does that.  Do you? I’ll be honest here…we maybe eat fish once a month and that only comes in the form of tuna.  I am just not a fish person.  (I do take fish oil…do you think that counts)?  Plus, to get the real good stuff in the supermarket, we’re talking a lot of money...

Namaste Foods Pizza Crust Mix-Product Review

Are you looking for a gluten free pizza crust mix?  One without yeast?  There are a lot of gluten free pizza crust recipes out there, but they require yeast.  That is a problem for anyone on the anti-candida diet, or an intolerance to yeast.  But, yeast also requires time.  And sometimes there just is not time for that…especially on a pizza night. Well, look no further.  Namaste Foods...

Frozen Chocolate Bananas

Fall might be here, but that does not mean that frozen treats have to go by the wayside.   And they can be healthy too!  These frozen bananas covered in chocolate and crushed cereal are a perfect after school snack or even morning breakfast treat.   I have seen a version of these pre-made in a store, but making them yourself would be so much more affordable.  And it is so easy.  It only...

How to Make Homemade Applesauce-A Picture Tutorial

Homemade applesauce is delicious. In fact, it far outweighs the taste of store bought applesauce.  And nutrition wise, homemade applesauce doesn’t even compare to store bought.  I grew up making our own applesauce, so it was only natural to continue that tradition. So, why should you make your own homemade applesauce?  Let us count the ways.  It is nutritionally sound.  Homemade...

Fast and Easy Turkey Burger

Do you need a quick weeknight meal?  Something easy to put together and that requires few ingredients?  Today’s recipe is just that.   In fact, it is so easy; one can hardly call it a recipe. Today’s meal idea is made from ground turkey. It does lend a different taste than beef, but it is only slightly healthier than ground beef.  I had always assumed it had less fat than beef, but when...