Fun Finds Friday – Local Honey Plus Why Local (Raw) Honey Is Better Than Traditional Store Bought

For this Fun Finds Friday I'm talking about a fun local find, how you could find it too, and why you should! For years now, while living in suburbia, I have driven past a house that is set back from the road and an older two story farm looking house with a lot of cars and trucks parked in back.   Placed behind a strip mall with no homes on either side, and much older and different style than...

Red/Purple Cabbage Salad a/k/a A Salad By Three Names

In my house, this salad goes by the name “Ugly, but Good Salad,”  “Purple Monster Salad” or the basic, “Red/Purple Cabbage Salad.” It was a few years ago that I decided to bring more variety to the table in way of vegetables.  Cabbage wasn’t on my radar at all.  But then I came upon a salad recipe that for some reason I decided to try.  And surprisingly, it’s really good. ...

Lemony Date and Nut Balls

I have a thing for dates lately.  They are super sweet so they really satisfy the sweet tooth. Sometimes they even seem a bit like caramel.  Medjool dates seem to be the king of dates.  And I’ve had some (scrumptious), but oh my, they are super expensive.  So I don’t buy them.  However, I found dates at Sam’s Club that are affordable and super yummy.  They are moist and delicious; not...

Fun Finds Friday-Almost Sugar Free Lemonade

It’s Fun Finds Friday again!    Today I’m pointing you to a great lemonade recipe.  It makes a single glass.  Refreshing and easy to make, it's a great hot afternoon beverage.   It’s my first foray into using liquid stevia too.  I bought my stevia at Trader Joe’s.  It’s about half the cost of ones at Whole Foods.  Something like $6.99 vs. $14.99. I’ve made this a couple of...

First Ever “FUN FINDS FRIDAY” – “Peanut” Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Today I’m introducing Fun Finds Friday.  This is the day where I showcase fun recipes, articles, food items or blogs I find.   While I’m hoping to have something every Friday, I do not like to box myself in.   So, I may take off a Friday here and there. :) For the first ever Fun Finds Friday, I am showcasing these wonderfully, delightful peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies (I...

Lemon Infused All Natural Energy Drink

I admit.  I drink soda. But not often; usually for a caffeine fix.  And while I do drink an herbal tea now and then in the winter, I’m not much of a “summer” tea person.   I have heard about yerba mate’ tea a few years ago and its natural uplifting properties.  And green tea has been all over the place for several years now boasting health benefits too.  But neither seem desirable to...

Oats And Ancient Grain Pancakes

Here’s another pancake recipe!  Even though I have several, I keep trying new recipes hoping to stumble upon the perfect one.   I’m not sure this is the perfect one, but it is good and easy.  Fresh is best, but they freeze well too!  They are also something to feel good about with lots of fiber and protein from the oats and ancient grains of quinoa, buckwheat or teff.  Unrefined...

Chocolate “Peanut” Butter Protein Bars

Sometimes I get overly excited in a place like Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods.  Like the time I thought buying chocolate hemp protein powder to make a chocolate shake was a good idea.  When I first tried it blended with rice milk it was horrible.  The next day I tried it with coconut milk and it was not much better.  Both concoctions went down the sink drain.   In an effort to not waste the...

Sweet Potatoes With Cranberries

If you have been following this blog for a while, you may have noticed that I’ve slowed down a bit.  Summer has been quite busy.  But truth be told, one of the real reasons is that I’ve been hooked on Downton Abbey.  I have spent my evenings watching the first three seasons of it.   I just love, love, love that show!  Anyone else? Another thing I love, love, love is sweet potatoes!  We...

Classic Cornbread – Gluten Free and Allergy Free With Vegan Option

Need a good cornbread recipe?  How about a gluten free, allergy friendly and vegan one?  This one is all that!  And yes, it tastes really good.    I do not post any baked good recipes without making the recipe several times.  I want to make sure they really work and really taste well.  I’ve tried too many recipes that were a waste of time and ingredients.  And I don't want to waste...