Apple Pie Surprise Smoothie

What if I told you that you could have apple pie for breakfast?  And not feel guilty about it?  Or for lunch or a midafternoon snack?   Well, you can, sort of.  See, this smoothie tastes like apple pie.  But it is simply fruit and surprisingly….a vegetable.  No added sugar, no dairy products.  No guilt smoothie.  At least for me.   If you read my Savory Butternut Squash Soup post, you...

Mushroom Chicken and Rice – A Crockpot Meal

I love my crockpot.  If you do not have one, you need one!  And if you have one and never use it, you are missing out.  There is no need to buy a fancy one.  One with simply a low and high setting is all you really need.  I have one that is called “smart” because you can set it for a certain amount of hours and then it will turn itself off, but I never use that. The great thing about...

Garlic and Sage White Beans And Three Ways To Serve Them

I may have a vegan in the making on my hands.  Beans, a/k/a legumes, are a favorite source of protein much more than meat for someone in my house.  Good thing I cook both legumes and meat to hit all the preferences of my family. This recipe for garlic and sage white beans is super easy and very satisfying.  I found three ways to serve it.  One way is to put the beans on French bread for...

Banana Granola

I have a thing for homemade granola.  And it’s catching on.  I used to be the only family member to eat it, but now it has become a favorite of everybody.  It is so simple and easy.  Check out this post for 10 reasons to make your own granola.  This is a slightly different version of my previous recipe.  But it is still oh so good!  Eat it with cereal, alone, over ice cream, in...

Candy Apple Waldorf Salad

In an effort to make salads a bit more exciting at my house I decided to take the Waldorf salad recipe of my youth and make it healthier and allergy friendly. When I was a kid I thought that the name “Waldorf salad” was such goofy name.  So I did a little looking around and found that it is thought to be named after the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in NYC when a salad consisting of red apples,...

Berry Cherry Slush

Here is a festive beverage for the holiday season.  Actually this would work for any occasion, any season.  But given its red color, it seems to be suited for Christmas.   This beverage is easy to put together and can be made in advance freeing up the days closer to your celebration for the other foods on your to make list.  An added bonus is that it uses no added sugar with the exception of...

How To Cut A Pineapple-Photo Tutorial

Pineapples have been on sale lately.  I never used to buy them whole because cutting one up seemed daunting.  But I have been buying fresh pineapples (only when on sale)  for about two years now.  Here are some pictures on how to cut a pineapple. It's that simple.  Buy fresh pineapple and you will never go back to canned!

Soft Allergy Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Do you want a gluten free chocolate chip cookie?  How about one without eggs and milk?  Is soy on your no-no list?  No problem!  Do you want all of the above in a cookie that is also free of refined sugar and is soft and chewy?  Sounds impossible right?  Wrong!  You can have it all!   This cookie recipe came to me on an index card.  I have no idea where it originates, but I switched up...

Why You Should Make Your Own Caramel Dip and How To Photo Tutorial

Caramel dip with apples is an autumn treat that the milk allergic cannot enjoy.  Store bought caramel dip is loaded with milk, butter, cream and the like.  But I have come up with five reasons that everyone, regardless of allergies or not, should make their own caramel dip. It is easy to make. It has only 3 ingredients. The store bought kind has 17 (I counted them at the store yesterday)...

Frozen Chocolate Bananas

Fall might be here, but that does not mean that frozen treats have to go by the wayside.   And they can be healthy too!  These frozen bananas covered in chocolate and crushed cereal are a perfect after school snack or even morning breakfast treat.   I have seen a version of these pre-made in a store, but making them yourself would be so much more affordable.  And it is so easy.  It only...