Grilled Pineapple – A How To Photo Tutorial

Have you ever eaten at a Brazilian barbeque restaurant?  We went to one a few weeks back for our wedding anniversary.  Oh. My. Goodness.  Okay, if you are a vegan or vegetarian this is NOT the place for you.  But meat lovers...this is the place to go!  (By the way, I don’t consider myself a meat lover.  I eat meat, but it’s not my first food love).  However, we LOVED this place from...

Fun Finds Friday – Yogurt Squares

Everyone in my house has had a round of antibiotics lately.  So in addition to our probiotics, I wanted to have a fun option for getting even more probiotics into us.  Enter….Fun Finds Friday---Yogurt Squares.   Actually I renamed these Yogurt Squares (they are originally called Probiotic Gelatin Treats).  I figured that would be more interesting to a kid.   Simply put…it’s yogurt plus...

Southwest Grilled Chicken

I grill well into autumn.  And I grill a lot of chicken.  I have about three chicken marinades that I rotate through and they are getting a little old.  So, I set out to find a new and different marinade to liven up our grilled chicken.   I adapted today’s marinade recipe from here.  It has a Southwestern flair to it so I renamed it Southwest Grilled Chicken.  If you like lime, you’ll...

Minty Chocolate Dessert Bars

I am always on the lookout for a great brownie.   Brownies are the ONE thing that is next to impossible to make without eggs.  I have tried recipe after recipe of vegan brownies with little to no success.  So when I saw the words, “build a better brownie” in an Oprah magazine a couple of years ago, it grabbed my attention. (Recipe that follows was slightly adapted from that). Okay, so...

Fun Finds Friday – Blueberry Sauce

Fun Finds Friday is here! Recently I had been shopping and saw a bottle of blueberry sauce.  As usual, I turned over the jar to read the label.  While it had no allergens (shocking!) it was not blueberry sauce.  It was high fructose corn syrup and other chemical sounding names.  It had something like “blueberry flavoring” in it.  Five years ago I probably would have bought it.  Now? ...

How To Make A “Can” of Condensed Cream Of Chicken Soup – A Photo Tutorial

If you are wanting to make a casserole that uses condensed cream soups, you are out of luck if you are dairy or gluten free.   Or maybe you just ran out, don't want to run to the store, and would like to make your own.  Here is a step by step photo tutorial to help you out.  Making your own cream soups is much easier than one would think. 1.  Cook and cut up 1 to 1 1/2 cup chicken (use...

Fun Finds Friday – Local Honey Plus Why Local (Raw) Honey Is Better Than Traditional Store Bought

For this Fun Finds Friday I'm talking about a fun local find, how you could find it too, and why you should! For years now, while living in suburbia, I have driven past a house that is set back from the road and an older two story farm looking house with a lot of cars and trucks parked in back.   Placed behind a strip mall with no homes on either side, and much older and different style than...

Red/Purple Cabbage Salad a/k/a A Salad By Three Names

In my house, this salad goes by the name “Ugly, but Good Salad,”  “Purple Monster Salad” or the basic, “Red/Purple Cabbage Salad.” It was a few years ago that I decided to bring more variety to the table in way of vegetables.  Cabbage wasn’t on my radar at all.  But then I came upon a salad recipe that for some reason I decided to try.  And surprisingly, it’s really good. ...

Lemony Date and Nut Balls

I have a thing for dates lately.  They are super sweet so they really satisfy the sweet tooth. Sometimes they even seem a bit like caramel.  Medjool dates seem to be the king of dates.  And I’ve had some (scrumptious), but oh my, they are super expensive.  So I don’t buy them.  However, I found dates at Sam’s Club that are affordable and super yummy.  They are moist and delicious; not...

Fun Finds Friday-Almost Sugar Free Lemonade

It’s Fun Finds Friday again!    Today I’m pointing you to a great lemonade recipe.  It makes a single glass.  Refreshing and easy to make, it's a great hot afternoon beverage.   It’s my first foray into using liquid stevia too.  I bought my stevia at Trader Joe’s.  It’s about half the cost of ones at Whole Foods.  Something like $6.99 vs. $14.99. I’ve made this a couple of...