Veggie Black Bean Soup Plus Six More Soup Recipes

Winter’s hanging on….and on….and on.  So soups are still on the menu here.  How about you? Today’s soup is chuck full of vegetables and black beans.  Add a little dairy free sour cream right before you eat it and it gets a little creamy.   So whether or you are a vegan, vegetarian or meat eater who enjoys a meatless meal now and then, this is a good soup for you. It is comfort food....

Russian Dressing – Refined Sugar Free, Soy Free

Today’s recipe comes courtesy of one of my readers.  She saw my Russian Cranberry Chicken post where I stated making my own Russian Dressing was on my to-do list.  Well, no more.  Thanks to her, she sent me a copy of her Russian Dressing recipe that is soy free and refined sugar free as well as free of all the other stuff I stay clear from.   There is ketchup in the recipe so in order to...

How To Make A Chai Tea Latte Similar to Starbucks

If you don’t drink coffee what do you drink when you go to Starbucks?  Well, I don’t really go to Starbucks much because I’m not a coffee drinker.  (Nor can I imagine spending $5 on a beverage every day, or every week for that matter).  But when a trip to Starbucks means meeting up with a great friend, well, you have to order something, right? This is where I first tasted a Chai Tea...

Spicy Skillet Meal -Gluten Free/Allergy Friendly

Remember Hamburger Helper?  You know, where you simply add beef and a packet of flavoring and you have a “meal?”  I cannot believe I used to make and eat those!  My food allergies had forced me into eating REAL FOOD and for that I am very grateful!  Now I would never turn back to boxed dinners even if I could. Now I agree that this isn’t the most interesting blog post entry.  It’s...

Purple Pudding – Fun Finds Friday

It’s Friday and I have another Fun Find to share with you.   I call it Purple Pudding!  It’s a real treat around here.  I have been making it since December whenever avocados are on sale. (Yeah for $0.29/avocado)!   Don’t freak out…this doesn’t taste like avocados at all.  It is mostly blueberry flavored with a hint of chocolate.  It will satisfy your need for something creamy. ...

Make Your Own Taco Seasoning

Do you ever start a meal only to find out you do not have an ingredient?  That’s what happened to me that had me scrambling to make my own taco seasoning.  It turns out it is pretty easy and honestly, it’s probably healthier without hidden wheat, additives or MSG lurking in there.   I adapted this recipe for taco seasoning from The Everything Food Allergy Cookbook.    I use one...

Get Your Greens In With Kale Chips

Are you one of the thousands of people whose New Year’s Eve resolutions is to eat healthier?  Want to eat more greens, but can’t stomach a salad at every meal?  Try kale chips.  Kale chips have been around the foodie blogosphere for a few years now.  I’m late to the game.  But I finally came up with a way to prepare them and they are really good.  (Although photographing them is...

I Scream You Scream We All Scream for Snow Cream!

So what does one do on a cold, very cold, 5 degree evening after it snowed 11 or more inches?  Why make snow cream that’s what!  The coming pictures are arguably the worst pics I put up, but hey I’m working with snow, after dark (bad lighting), and my old point and shoot.  No time to make a big set up with my nice camera! Yep, every church was cancelled today!  Roads are terrible...

Fun Finds Friday – No-Bake Grain Free Cookie Dough Bites

I have been dabbling in almond meal lately.  Almond meal is different than almond flour.  It is ground up almonds with the skin on.  Almond flour has the skins removed before grinding.  At least that is how I understand it.  I haven’t purchased almond flour because it is so expensive.  But Trader Joe’s sells almond meal at a fairly reasonable price.  So I made a recipe for the first...

Hummus and Trader Joe’s Lentil Chips

Do you need a great dip for New Year’s Eve?  Try hummus!  I know, it’s a “weird” food to some people.  But don’t be scared off.  After I fiddled with several different recipes I came up with a great one.  And I only put recipes on this blog that work and taste great!   Hummus goes well with raw veggies such as broccoli and carrots.  It’s also a great dip for chips.  The chips...