Allergy Free Grocery Shopping – Part 1

Allergy free eating is not cheap.  But that is okay; there are ways to make it more affordable.   By eliminating your food allergens you will invariably start cooking more whole foods and less processed food.  Processed food is expensive, so you will cut out that expense.  But you are also cutting out food that is chuck full of sodium, additives, gmo’s and so much more non-food food. Since...

“Nutella Like” Chocolate Spread

Move over Nutella.  Welcome a newer, healthier version. Actually I made a chocolate spread before.  You can read about it here.  It’s made with sunflower seeds so it is the best option for people with tree nut allergies.  But I can eat pecans so I tend to make this one more frequently than the sunflower seed one.  I think this is a bit creamier. It goes well on toast, rice cakes, celery...

Dairy Free and Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream

Many moons ago I was given an ice cream maker.  At the time I did not know what I would do with it.  Little did I know that several years after that, I would be going milk free.  And lo and behold, the ice cream maker came in handy.  I am glad I kept it all those years. I do not make ice cream all that often.  I honestly do not miss it much.  But it is so easy and simple and makes for a...

BBQ Shredded Pork Sandwiches

How about a sandwich meal?  Simple and not very time consuming at all, the crockpot is your friend for this recipe. Enter…barbeque shredded pork. Did you know there is a secret to cooking meat in the crockpot?  Not only should you trim any fat off, you should brown the meat or broil it first.  I have always trimmed off fat, but since browning or broiling the meat, the meals have turned out...

Italian Green Beans

While this recipe would be great in the summer months when green beans are fresh and plentiful, it works just as well in the winter months with frozen green beans if necessary.  Sprucing up your vegetables will take out the boring factor that often accompanies vegetables for many people.  If they are a little more “fun” I think it’s more likely they will get eaten.   So, if you like...

Leafy Greens and Fruit Salad

Leafy greens plus fruit equals delicious salad!  Make your own dressing and there will be no worries about food allergies.  Plus, this salad would simply not do with a store bought dressing.  This dressing is a hit with everyone; even little ones. So, next time you are thinking of making a leafy salad, go for the fruit!  You will not be disappointed. I adapted this recipe from The Everything...

The Best Way To Prepare Cauliflower

I’ll be the first to admit that I used to have a strong dislike for cauliflower.  I would rarely buy it, and when I did, I would put off cooking it.  But not anymore.  I found the absolute best way to prepare cauliflower that I think anyone will like.  I now buy it frequently and am eager to eat it!   Prepared this special way, cauliflower is delicious.   It has a mild and a sweet...

Chocolate Donuts With Strawberry Frosting Followed With Discussion Of Gluten Free Flours and Binders

I guess I’m dubbing myself the allergy friendly, holiday/seasonal donut gal. :-D I brought you the allergy free pumpkin donut in the fall.  For Christmas I brought you the gingerbread donuts with cinnamon buttercream frosting.  And now, just in time for Valentine’s Day, I bring you a chocolate donut with strawberry frosting…allergy free of course!     Now, this chocolate donut is not...

Oreo Ice Cream Dessert

Today’s recipe was originally posted by me as a guest post at Mom’s Test Kitchen.  For that post I was looking for something that could be made “regular” or “allergy free.”  I settled on Oreo Ice Cream Dessert. It was a good choice, because it simply requires assembling store bought products.  As a lot of you know, that is not often a possibility with food allergies.  Nor is it...

Basic Hamburger Vegetable Soup

Soup’s on the menu at least once a week during these winter months.  And today I bring you a hamburger and vegetable soup.  This basic soup is the perfect one pot meal when you add your bread of choice and a green salad.   Ladle up!  And do not forget to check out my Pinterest boards or like the Facebook page!  Shared at Real Food Wednesday. Gluten Free Friday .