Italian Green Beans

While this recipe would be great in the summer months when green beans are fresh and plentiful, it works just as well in the winter months with frozen green beans if necessary.  Sprucing up your vegetables will take out the boring factor that often accompanies vegetables for many people.  If they are a little more “fun” I think it’s more likely they will get eaten.   So, if you like...

Leafy Greens and Fruit Salad

Leafy greens plus fruit equals delicious salad!  Make your own dressing and there will be no worries about food allergies.  Plus, this salad would simply not do with a store bought dressing.  This dressing is a hit with everyone; even little ones. So, next time you are thinking of making a leafy salad, go for the fruit!  You will not be disappointed. I adapted this recipe from The Everything...

The Best Way To Prepare Cauliflower

I’ll be the first to admit that I used to have a strong dislike for cauliflower.  I would rarely buy it, and when I did, I would put off cooking it.  But not anymore.  I found the absolute best way to prepare cauliflower that I think anyone will like.  I now buy it frequently and am eager to eat it!   Prepared this special way, cauliflower is delicious.   It has a mild and a sweet...

Chocolate Donuts With Strawberry Frosting Followed With Discussion Of Gluten Free Flours and Binders

I guess I’m dubbing myself the allergy friendly, holiday/seasonal donut gal. :-D I brought you the allergy free pumpkin donut in the fall.  For Christmas I brought you the gingerbread donuts with cinnamon buttercream frosting.  And now, just in time for Valentine’s Day, I bring you a chocolate donut with strawberry frosting…allergy free of course!     Now, this chocolate donut is not...

Basic Hamburger Vegetable Soup

Soup’s on the menu at least once a week during these winter months.  And today I bring you a hamburger and vegetable soup.  This basic soup is the perfect one pot meal when you add your bread of choice and a green salad.   Ladle up!  And do not forget to check out my Pinterest boards or like the Facebook page!  Shared at Real Food Wednesday. Gluten Free Friday .

Sweet Winter Squash

I am on a squash kicky lately.  Can you tell?  I never would even attempt this vegetable a few years ago, but after reading the health benefits I thought I should give it a try. It turns out winter squash (available year round), such as acorn, butternut, or spaghetti, can be really tasty and satisfying. Okay, this picture isn't great, and I generally don't want to put up bad pictures, but it...

Apple Pie Surprise Smoothie

What if I told you that you could have apple pie for breakfast?  And not feel guilty about it?  Or for lunch or a midafternoon snack?   Well, you can, sort of.  See, this smoothie tastes like apple pie.  But it is simply fruit and surprisingly….a vegetable.  No added sugar, no dairy products.  No guilt smoothie.  At least for me.   If you read my Savory Butternut Squash Soup post, you...

Mushroom Chicken and Rice – A Crockpot Meal

I love my crockpot.  If you do not have one, you need one!  And if you have one and never use it, you are missing out.  There is no need to buy a fancy one.  One with simply a low and high setting is all you really need.  I have one that is called “smart” because you can set it for a certain amount of hours and then it will turn itself off, but I never use that. The great thing about...

10 Good Health Benefits Of Mushrooms And Why You Should Buy Fresh + Simple Recipe

Did you know that canned mushrooms may legally contain up to 20 maggots per 100g?  That's 20 maggots in a small four-ounce can roughly.  You can read about this here, or here.  Or google the words, "bugs in canned mushrooms" and you will get a lot of information. Now I don't know about you, but that really grosses me out.  Especially since I cook a lot and use a lot of mushrooms.  I have...

Garlic and Sage White Beans And Three Ways To Serve Them

I may have a vegan in the making on my hands.  Beans, a/k/a legumes, are a favorite source of protein much more than meat for someone in my house.  Good thing I cook both legumes and meat to hit all the preferences of my family. This recipe for garlic and sage white beans is super easy and very satisfying.  I found three ways to serve it.  One way is to put the beans on French bread for...