Berry Patriotic Parfaits

I like to have something “fun” to eat for days like Memorial Day, July 4 etc.  Something red, white and blue to help commemorate the day.  But I also do not always have time to make something complicated.  But these little parfaits are just the quickest, easiest and cutest thing to make!   I used little plastic shot glasses for these parfaits.  Making them “mini” is great for a...

How To Know When Your Avocado is Ripe and Ready

Have you ever cut an avocado open and it’s just mush?  Or how about cut one open and it’s so hard you cannot scoop it out?  Do you struggle with knowing when an avocado is “just right” to eat?   I did until I found a great tip about avocado readiness.  I like to give credit where credit is due, but I have been using this tip for so long now, I am not sure where I read it or found...

Fast N’ Easy Salisbury Steak

Need a quick weeknight meal?   Something everyone likes?  Try this Fast N’ Easy Salisbury Steak!   Similar in taste to traditional spaghetti and meatballs, this dish is just a little different.  Use a higher quality ground meat such as ground round or ground sirloin.  Cook regular or gluten free pasta to go with it, add a green salad and there you have it.  A fast, easy, delicious...

Banana Orange Pops

Go out and buy your BPA free popsicle molds!  I’m bringing you a popsicle recipe; Banana Orange to be precise!   Nothing is better on a warm afternoon than a popsicle!  Even better, when you make your own popsicles, you can use way less sugar or an unrefined sugar.  Homemade pops are much healthier than store bought.  Plus, making them is fun!  And let’s not forget easy. This popsicle...

Grilled Asparagus

Despite the cold and gloomy weather I have started grilling season.  And one thing I love to grill is asparagus!   Asparagus used to be one of my least favorite vegetables, but it has now become one of my top 3 vegetables.  I think it is because of the grill.  There is just something about grilled vegetables.  It brings out an irresistible flavor.   If you do not care for asparagus, give...

Peppermint and Ginger Tummy Drops from Eternal Health and Nutrition

Today I am sharing with you a new and natural way to possibly alleviate stomach upset and more.  I was contacted by the folks over at Eternal Health and Nutrition to try out their gluten free and GMO free ginger and peppermint drops.    Creator of the drops, Dr. Dustin James, who is also author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Digestive Health, wrote a letter to me stating that these Tummy...

Colored Peppers and Sausage Over Pasta

Say hello to a new way to prepare and serve pasta.  Well, maybe it is not new to you, but it was to my family.  This pasta dish is now our favorite and far surpasses a jar of spaghetti sauce on noodles.  (That is still a dish that graces our table, though).    There is something about food allergies.  It expands your horizons.   Prior to food allergies I probably would not even have tried...

Herbed Chicken With Asparagus, Red Onion and Millet With A White Wine Sauce

Herbed Chicken With Asparagus, Red Onion, and Millet Served With a White Wine Sauce.  Sounds delectable, right?  And reads like a menu item of a nice restaurant.  In fact, you make this and you will enjoy a meal just as good as or better than a restaurant one.  And you will not spend near the amount of money you would at a restaurant.  Or better yet.  Consider preparing this for company! ...

My Favorite Chunky Guacamole And Soon To Be Yours

Creamy.  Satisfying.  Savory.  Guacamole! Guacamole fulfills that need for something creamy.  And it is nutritious.  Avocados have beneficial monounsaturated fat, high amounts of vitamin K and E, contain folate, potassium, lutein and magnesium, not to mention vitamin C and B6.  I have been making this recipe for several years now.  I prefer my guac chunky so I hand mash and have good...

Roasted Vegetable Medley

Savor the flavor of earthy and robust mushrooms.  Red potatoes heated to perfect tenderness. Sweet tasting yellow peppers with fresh, spring asparagus that has just a little crunch, roasted to an undeniable sweetness.  All this and more will delight you with this fabulous roasted vegetable medley.   Mushrooms provide many health benefits that you can read about here.  Asparagus is a nutrient...