Soft Allergy Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Do you want a gluten free chocolate chip cookie?  How about one without eggs and milk?  Is soy on your no-no list?  No problem!  Do you want all of the above in a cookie that is also free of refined sugar and is soft and chewy?  Sounds impossible right?  Wrong!  You can have it all!   This cookie recipe came to me on an index card.  I have no idea where it originates, but I switched up...

Easy, Quick, and Simply Delicious Cherry Pie “Larabars”

Not too long ago I wrote about Larabars.  They are so simple. With only three or four ingredients, I thought they would be good to try make my own.  Well, I did not have to go far as I just happened to stumble up a recipe for Cherry Pie “Larabars” at Jen’s Natural Kitchen.  Other than the tree nuts, these are a great allergy free snack as they are gluten free, egg free, milk free, and...

Decadent (And Allergy Free) Must Have Chocolate Cake

Have I got a treat for you today!  A chocolate cake that is moist, decadent and allergy friendly.  Not only that, but it is easy to put together.  This is a must have recipe for any situation needing a cake; a birthday, anniversary, Sunday company, you name it.  No one will guess you are serving them an allergy free dessert!    This can also be made into cupcakes.  They freeze well and...

Dairy Free and Tree Nut Free Chocolate Spread

Nutella is super yummy, but it is also full of milk and very high in sugar.  Have you heard about the California woman who sued Nutella for misleading marketing?  She thought it was a health food based on the advertisement.  Personally, I think she could have easily read the jar label and realize that it was not a health food.  Nevertheless, I have seen the advertisement and it did sound...

Larabar-The Original Fruit and Nut Food Bar-Product Review

I’m always on the lookout for a pre-made allergy friendly snack that can be tossed in the purse for on the go or for those really busy days where there is simply no time to make your own food and you don’t want just an apple or banana. When were set to fly to vacation in August I took some time to look at the pre-made snack bars at Trader Joes to have handy in the plane.  That is when I...

Simple and Delicious Homemade Granola-Gluten Free and Allergy Free

I never ate granola pre-food allergy days.  In fact, I do not think I even gave it a thought.  But then, when food allergies hit and I had purchased about 5 new cookbooks, I started noticing that granola was in a lot of the books. One that caught my eye was in The Whole Foods Allergy Cookbook  by Cybele Pascal.  It seemed really easy.  And I was intrigued by Cybele’s use of unrefined...

Frozen Chocolate Bananas

Fall might be here, but that does not mean that frozen treats have to go by the wayside.   And they can be healthy too!  These frozen bananas covered in chocolate and crushed cereal are a perfect after school snack or even morning breakfast treat.   I have seen a version of these pre-made in a store, but making them yourself would be so much more affordable.  And it is so easy.  It only...

Apple “Teeth” Snack

Cute or creepy?  Whatever you think of this apple “teeth” snack, they will be a hit with your children.  And maybe even the kid at heart of yourself or someone else. Simple to prepare, this snack will go over well.  And it is always a good idea to have a healthy snack midafternoon or as an after school snack. Not only does the apple provide you with great fiber and vitamins, the sunflower...

Banana Nectarine Smoothie

I never made or drank smoothies in my dairy indulging days.  Now they are a staple in my diet.  A good friend of mine introduced me to smoothies without milk products and I remember thinking that was unusual.  I had just assumed that smoothies had to have yogurt or milk.  But lo and behold…they do not need milk and yogurt and they can still be thick and creamy and maybe even dreamy.  I...

Nana’s Cookie Bars Gluten Free Berry Vanilla – Product Review

I have a confession to make.  Sometimes I fall for marketing schemes. Please tell me I’m not the only one. And yep, that is what happened to me with this product.  I fell for the cute Curious George monkey on the box.  Maybe the fact that I found it at a TJ Maxx instead of a grocery store should have set off alarm bells, I don’t know.  But I do know, that you should just say no.  I...