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Fall Fruit Sauce

I made Savory Squash Soup yesterday and it was delish. If you have not tried it yet, by all means….go, print out the recipe. You will love the soup even if you are not a big squash person. And as always, when I cooked the squash for the soup I had leftovers. I actually plan it that way. I buy a bigger squash so that I will have leftover squash. I was going to make Not Your Mama’s Chocolate...

Living Without’s Gluten Free Holidays GIVEAWAY!!!!!

Living Without’s Gluten Free and More magazine has come out with a special Holidays edition. And you can get one for FREE! I have been granted permission to give away THREE copies of the holiday guide. I have already received my copy and read it front to back on the same day it came. I know I’ll be perusing it over and over the next few months. This Holidays guide is chuck full of 75 recipes...

Make Your Own Can Of Condensed Tomato Soup

Fall is knocking on our door and I’m ready to start making soups and stews again. In fact I made this stew last night and it was good. If you haven’t tried it yet, you should. One of my favorite soup recipes from childhood is a chili recipe that requires a can of condensed tomato soup. I started making my own condensed version about 4 years ago. I took these pictures back in 2012 and am just...

Food at Marshall’s Department Store? You Bet!

I have some fun news for you! You can find allergy free, gluten free and health foods at Marshall's and TJ Maxx Department Stores. You can read all about the different finds and categories of food on this post I wrote for My Life With Food Allergies. Also shared at Allergy Free Wednesday. Gluten Free Wednesday.

Pumpkin Chai Spice Breakfast Bars

I saw the stats. The Grab and Go Breakfast Bars were a HUGE hit! I had mentioned I was working on a new flavor. Today, it’s yours…. Pumpkin Chai Breakfast Bars. Great autumn breakfast, although I would eat these any time of year. But now would be the time to stock up on canned pumpkin as it is always cheaper in the fall. These are not overly pumpkin for those of you who prefer a mild taste....

Grape Soda – Sugar Free, Corn Free, Allergy Free

Can you believe I have not had a soda in a year!? I cut out corn and artificial sweeteners about a year ago, so that means no soda since they are all made with either high fructose corn syrup or aspartame/Splenda. (Well, except Zevia, but that stuff is expensive!) I never was a huge soda drinker anyway, so it really wasn’t that big of deal. But then…. I had a garage sale back in August. Those...

Garlic Lover’s Hummus

I love garlic. I use it in a lot of dishes. Today I made a Garlic Lover’s Hummus. Garlic is an herb with endless health properties. It’s good for the heart, blood pressure, keeping cholesterol in check, is an anti-fungal, may reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s and much, much more. Better yet, it makes food DELICIOUS! If you do not care for lots of garlic, then you may be interested...

“Cheese” Like Dip/Sauce

I do not miss dairy products. Oh, I did at first, but after four years of dairy free living, I do not miss it one bit. That is saying a lot from someone who used to consume milk, cheese and/or yogurt multiple times a day! That being said, I did try and make a cheese-like sauce. Not because I was craving cheese or a similar substitute, but rather I wanted something other than hummus to dip raw...

All About Gluten Free Flours

There are a lot of gluten free grains (made into flour) available, but do you know what they really are? What their nutritional profile is? What they are used for? Check out my two part series on My Life With Food Allergies, describing all the gluten free flours I have in my freezer and refrigerator. What’s In Your Flour, Part One can be found here. What’s In Your Flour, Part Two can be found...

Grab and Go Breakfast Bars – High Fiber and High Protein

We’ve had some early mornings around here; as in getting out the door by 6 o’clock A.M! So rather than eating nothing or eating poorly, I decided we needed a good protein breakfast bar. It had to: Be able to be made ahead of time. Freeze and thaw well. Taste well, but be low in sugar. Travel well, as in not be crumbly or fall apart all over the place. I also wanted something that would fill...