Blog (Most Recent)

Make Your Own Almond Butter

Making your own almond butter is as simple as 1-2-3! Seriously, this isn’t even a recipe. Throw some almonds in a food processor, turn it on, and in about 5 minutes you have almond butter. Smooth, creamy, and only one ingredient. No oils, no sweeteners, (none needed, really), good for you almond butter. I had been buying oven roasted almonds at Aldi assuming they were cheapest there. It turns...

25 Tips For Better Grilling

As I stand in my back yard I can see the back yards of 5 houses. It’s not optimum, but it is what it is. What I find odd, very strange actually, is that none of these people grill their meals. Like ever. We have a least 7 months where weather permits us to grill and I never see anyone grilling. And I’m outdoors a lot. It seems strange to me because grilling is such an easy way to prepare...

Gluten Free Grain Free Dinner Biscuits and Pizza Crust

In my last post I discussed almond meal verses blanched almond flour. You can read the post here. I know some of you are itching to see my almond meal recipes, but like I said, I found blanched almond flour on sale at Aldi of all places. So I bought it and have been trying out recipes I printed off the internet a long time ago and have been waiting in my “recipes to try binder.” I found this...

Almond Meal vs. Blanched Almond Flour

Many gluten free bakers and Paleo diet followers use blanched almond flour in their baked goods. I always find this intriguing, but also cost-prohibitive as blanched almond flour is expensive. Blanched almond flour is almonds without their skins ground up into a fine flour. Almond meal is ground up almonds with their skins on and is a course meal. There is a difference in how the two perform and...

Blueberry Banana Smoothie

If you are a fan of food blogs, I’m sure you heard mention of high-speed or high-powered blenders such as Vitamix, Ninja, or Blendtec by now. I’ve finally joined the ranks and I am not looking back! Never will I go back to a standard blender again! My high-speed/powered blender can obliterate anything! In mere seconds. Take this blueberry smoothie for instance. (Yes, the picture isn't...

Mylan, Disney, Grilling Marinade and 3 Dip Recipes

I have some exciting news to share! But first, let me tell you about Mylan and Disney. Well, everyone knows about Disney! Mickey Mouse, theme parks, you know. Mylan is a pharmaceutical company; creators of the Epi-Pen. Mylan and Disney have formed an alliance to make Disney parks and cruise ships just a little more allergy friendly. For those with life threatening food allergies, taking any sort...

Eight Ways To Flavor Your Drinking Water Naturally

Water is the best way to stay hydrated. After all, the human body is comprised of almost 60% water. But don’t reach for those sports drinks or flavored water beverages just yet. I’ve been “playing” with my water lately and have come up with several ways to flavor my water naturally without artificial colors and flavors. This list is in order of least favorite to most favorite. Essential...

French Fries Using Different Vegetables

July is the month to celebrate the French Fry! Did you know that? French Fries can be made out of vegetables other than potatoes. I’ve been serving up a variety of French Fries to the family for about two weeks practicing different types of fries. Turnip fries, rutabaga fries, sweet potato fries and the beloved potato fry. You can find my recipes for these fries by reading my article about...

The Gluten Free Cheat Sheet Book Review

If you have read my blog, or my submissions for My Life With Food Allergies, you know that I really love cookbooks. Today I have the pleasure of reviewing The Gluten Free Cheat Sheet by April Peveteaux. I was given the book (for free), but the opinions are all my own (non-affiliate link). April Peveteaux writes with sass and humor. This book is part “how to go gluten free” and part cookbook....

Quit Your Food Intolerances/Allergies With These 10 Tips

For me, changing my diet to exclude dairy, eggs, gluten, corn and refined sugars was not that hard. I wanted to feel better! And I would do anything to feel better!   However, I know statistically, that for many people quitting their food allergens or intolerances can be very difficult. In fact, we can actually be addicted to our food intolerances. Making a mind shift is necessary to quit...