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Easy and Tasty Brussel Sprouts

Every vegetable deserves a chance to shine. Today it is the mighty, little brussel sprouts turn! Basically a mini cabbage, the brussel sprout is a health boon boasting tons of vitamin A and C and beta carotene. They also contain protein and fiber. Sadly, they somehow get a bad rap. And I used to be one of those who wouldn’t eat them. But one thing I have learned about vegetables. It’s all...

Fruity Red Lentil Hot Breakfast Cereal

Are you looking for a gluten free breakfast idea; an allergy friendly option for breakfast? Do you have a penchant for eating healthy? Maybe you like to skip grains, even gluten free ones, altogether. Or maybe you are a foodie who likes to try new things. Well, this hot breakfast cereal is for you. Don’t be scared off by the use the lentils (just make sure to use the red ones). It’s a...

10 Office Supplies Every (Allergy Free) Kitchen Needs

The following post first appeared on the blog My Life With Food Allergies where I am a contributor. If you have food allergies chances are you are cooking a lot. I found that there are ten office supplies I use frequently in my kitchen. 1. Three ring binders. These are perfect for storing all the recipes you print off of the internet. 2. Three ring binder dividers. These are the dividers with...

Gluten and Allergen Free Wellness Event Recap

I attended the Gluten and Allergen Free Wellness Event in St. Louis on Saturday. It was fun! There were speakers to listen to if you wished, and there were quite a few vendors there. Some I had heard of, but many I have not. We ate lots of samples…enough that we could skip lunch that day. Some of the standby companies were Enjoy Life and Udi’s. Just a few of the new products I found out about...

Rhubarb Sauce – Refined Sugar Free

Rhubarb! You either love it or hate! At least that’s what I’m guessing. I’m of the love it group! Did you know it is actually a vegetable? I think people do not realize that because it is used in desserts, jams and sauces—typically applications for fruit. Now it’s hard to come by where I live and beggars can’t be choosers, so I had to settle for the green variety even though the red...

Bakery On Main Product Giveaway

Bakery On Main is a sponsor of the Gluten and Allergen Free Wellness Event and they are giving away 3 full-sized products. They are gluten free and according to their website they are milk/casein free as well. I am not sure about any other allergens (and as a side note, I have never eaten their products). It's like a surprise. Who knows what you'll get! It could be granola, or granola bars,...

Gluten and Allergen Free Wellness Event St. Louis, MO Ticket Giveaway

There is Gluten and Allergen Free Wellness Events held throughout the United States. On May 31st, they are coming to St. Louis, MO. The event has a lot of vendors and sweet and savory foods to nosh on. This event is being held: May 31, 2014 10am-3pm Orlando’s Garden 8352 Watson Road St. Louis, MO   Aside from the vendors there are many speakers you would love to hear. You can read the list...

Easy and Mild Chicken Rice and Beans

Chicken. Rice. Beans. These are three things I like to keep in the house for a quick meal. Often that quick meal is Jerk Chicken Rice and Beans. But recently, I was out of jerk seasoning and out of the spices to make my own jerk seasoning. Yet, I had already thawed chicken and an open can of kidney beans. So I cooked without a recipe and as I went along I made sure to take good notes. What came...

Chocolate Strawberry Tart

Chocolate or strawberries? Strawberries or chocolate? Which do you love better? Can’t choose? Well you don’t have too with today’s dessert! Hello Chocolate Strawberry Tart! This recipe is literally for anyone! It’s easily adaptable to any food needs. I made a gluten free tart (from The Allergen Free Baker’s Handbook), but you can make any tart crust you can eat. If you can eat store...

Gluten Free Tortillas (Vegan Too!)

Gluten free tortillas are expensive. And they are crumbly. And making them myself seemed elusive to me. Everything I found online was too crumbly, too labor intensive or too sticky. What I needed was something fast and easy, something that actually worked. I quit trying for awhile. After some time and really wanting tacos, I tried again. I had some success, but wasn’t quite satisfied. Then I...