Sloppy Joes With Real Vegetables

Have you seen those commercials on TV?  The ones where a little girl is dressed up as a sandwich (sloppy joe) costume and she is in a school play?  It’s a play about vegetables and she “belongs” in the play because that particular sloppy joe mix has vegetables in it.  Well, I beg to differ, but I highly doubt that can qualify as a serving of vegetables.  Especially when you take into...

How To Make Jamaican Jerk Seasoning

I do not know if you could find a jar in the spice isle called “Jamaican Jerk Seasoning.”  I have never seen one.  But I do know that if you did it would probably be expensive.  And here’s another thing about spices, as I just realized (again).  They may contain milk, wheat or soy, or other food allergens.    That may sound crazy, but yesterday I found that very statement on the...

Veloute Sauce

In my ongoing effort to make vegetables more exciting at our table, and a way to make broccoli tempting for a youngster, I began searching for a sauce.  I think it is safe to assume that most parents pair broccoli with cheese sauce for their young ones, but being milk free prevents that.  Or maybe you want to stretch your taste buds and ditch the cheese once in a while. Well, look no further....

Decadent (And Allergy Free) Must Have Chocolate Cake

Have I got a treat for you today!  A chocolate cake that is moist, decadent and allergy friendly.  Not only that, but it is easy to put together.  This is a must have recipe for any situation needing a cake; a birthday, anniversary, Sunday company, you name it.  No one will guess you are serving them an allergy free dessert!    This can also be made into cupcakes.  They freeze well and...

Facebook Information You May Need To Know

I am by no means a Facebook expert.  In fact, I know very little.  But from reading other blogs it has come to my attention that you may not be getting all the posts from Allergy Free Test Kitchen in your news feed.  So, in order to keep getting my updates, meal ideas, and other Allergy Free Test Kitchen news, you need to take one more step after "liking" the page.  Once you "like" the page,...

Italian Bean Soup

Today’s soup is easy peasy!  Everything is put into the crockpot and then you can forget about it.  Another great thing about this soup is that it makes a huge batch.  So if you have a large family, you wouldn’t have to double it, and if you have a smaller family you can freeze half.  That is what I do.  I make a crockpot full and freeze half (it freezes well).  This is a great...

Pineapple Peach Smoothie

Since smoothies are big hit around my house I thought it would be time to share another one.  This one is so yummy you will want to guzzle it.    It’s creamy, thick, delicious and best of all, it is milk free! And even better, it has spinach in it.  What a better way to get that great leafy green in your diet than through a smoothie!  I have already written about the benefits of...

Dairy Free and Tree Nut Free Chocolate Spread

Nutella is super yummy, but it is also full of milk and very high in sugar.  Have you heard about the California woman who sued Nutella for misleading marketing?  She thought it was a health food based on the advertisement.  Personally, I think she could have easily read the jar label and realize that it was not a health food.  Nevertheless, I have seen the advertisement and it did sound...

Larabar-The Original Fruit and Nut Food Bar-Product Review

I’m always on the lookout for a pre-made allergy friendly snack that can be tossed in the purse for on the go or for those really busy days where there is simply no time to make your own food and you don’t want just an apple or banana. When were set to fly to vacation in August I took some time to look at the pre-made snack bars at Trader Joes to have handy in the plane.  That is when I...

Baked Lemon Chicken

Are you gluten free and think you can’t have a crunchy oven cooked chicken breast because you can’t use bread crumbs?  Allergic to eggs and think that same chicken breast is off limits because eggs are what are usually used to make crumbs stick to chicken? Well, think again.  You can have your crunchy oven cooked chicken breast without gluten and without egg! A simple substitution of corn...